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R404a Phase Out

Come January 1st, 2020, all refrigerant gasses with a Global Warming Potential (GWP) above 2500 will be banned on all commercial equipment. This includes all refrigerated containers and cold stores currently for sale. R404a has the highest carbon dioxide rating of all refrigerants on the market, meaning the shift to a lower GWP refrigerant is imminent.

A transfer to lower GWP products cannot wait until 2020 as it is necessary to move as soon as possible. This is because R404a will not be available to buy for virgin use. It is essential to follow this switch otherwise you will be behind your competitors.

With a GWP of 1390, the R448a is the alternative refrigerant used at Refrigerated Sales. It has been revealed that this low GWP refrigerant showed energy savings of upwards of 20% when compared to R404a. We future proof all our units with environmental legislation in mind.

We understand that the conversion must happen before 2020 to ensure that the most energy efficient refrigerants are being used appropriately to benefit both environmentally and economically.


If you would like any further information about refrigerated sales or need help choosing the right unit for your business, please contact the team on 01623 518538 or email info@refrigeratedsales.co.uk.

R404a Phase Out

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