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Ice, is it really the enemy of cold stores?

Ice, is it really the enemy of cold stores?

Ice is considered an enemy when purchasing a cold storage unit or commercial refrigeration room from a cold store supplier. Our temperature controlled cold storage solutions vary from smaller 10 pallet cold stores to huge complexes. Ice is a well-known factor that can impact the efficiency and cooling capacity of cold stores. Busy industrial cold storage units can get a build-up of ice due to warm moist air entering the unit and coming into contact with cold surfaces. Due to this, water vapor then reacts and turn into condensation, which ultimately leads to freezing and a build-up of ice.

Our cold storage units are all fitted with data loggers to help control the temperature of the units. With this controller not only can you check that your cold storage unit is keeping to a stable temperature usually between 1 – 10 degrees, it can also allow you to view the complete temperature history print out at any time.

To help tackle the build-up of ice our units come fitted with a door and door frame heater. These heaters ensure that there is no excessive build-up of ice within the entrance of the unit. To keep ice-related issues to a minimum, we would recommend regularly manually defrosting your units, cleaning up any ice build-up (especially if this is on the cold store floor) and keep the opening & closing of the unit doors to a minimum.

If you would like any further information about our cold storage units for sale or need help choosing the right unit for your business, please contact the team on 01623 518538 or email info@refrigeratedsales.co.uk.

Ice, is it really the enemy of cold stores?

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